Glossary of Types of Trusts

A “trust” is a legal relationship created when one party (the “grantor”) transfers property to another (the “trustee”) to be held for the benefit of other persons (the “beneficiaries”).  The term “trust” commonly refers to a written document such as a “Trust...

Wills vs. Trusts: A Comparison

There are several useful comparisons between a Will and a revocable Trust: a Will becomes effective only at death, but a Trust becomes effective when signed and funded a Will must be approved by probate court to become effective after death; a Trust needs no such...

What To Bring To First Meeting

Items For New Clients to Assemble Before Initial Meeting on Estate Planning Prepare list of family members (names, dates of birth, current addresses) Prepare list of your major assets–giving simple description, approximate current value, current ownership and...