by Admin | Oct 26, 2011 | Business Entities
Note: All articles on Utah’s New LLC Act are in the process of being updated to conform to the changes made before it was enacted in 2014. Please check back to see the revised articles. Utah adopted a new ‘uniform’ LLC act to be effective July 1, 2012. [Read...
by Admin | Oct 26, 2011 | Business Entities
Note: All articles on Utah’s New LLC Act are in the process of being updated to conform to the changes made before it was enacted in 2014. Please check back to see the revised articles. Welcome After reviewing Utah’s impending New ‘uniform’ LLC...
by Admin | Oct 26, 2011 | Business Entities
Over the years, decisions from the U.S. Tax Court have developed guidelines for when family limited partnerships will be recognized for tax purposes and when they won‛t. Those guidelines apply as well to family LLCs. The current leading case for what NOT TO DO is the...
by Admin | Sep 28, 2011 | Estate Planning and Real Estate
There are several useful comparisons between a Will and a revocable Trust: a Will becomes effective only at death, but a Trust becomes effective when signed and funded a Will must be approved by probate court to become effective after death; a Trust needs no such...
by Admin | Sep 27, 2011 | Estate Planning and Real Estate
by Brent R. Armstrong Estate planning involves three inevitable factors — death, taxes and clients’ misconceptions. This article attempts to clarify some of the more persistent notions held by some clients. This article is based on federal and Utah law....
by Admin | Sep 27, 2011 | Estate Planning and Real Estate
“Tangible personal property” includes items such as jewelry, mementos, hobby items, collections, tools, books, scriptures, pets, genealogy, heirlooms and sentimental items. Utah law allows persons making a Will or Trust to create a separate list that...
by Admin | Sep 23, 2011 | Estate Planning and Real Estate
Common Myths About Utah Estate...
by mhess | Aug 5, 2011 | Estate Planning and Real Estate
Items For New Clients to Assemble Before Initial Meeting on Estate Planning Prepare list of family members (names, dates of birth, current addresses) Prepare list of your major assets–giving simple description, approximate current value, current ownership and...
by mhess | Aug 5, 2011 | Estate Planning and Real Estate
In a perfect world, Trustees and Personal Representatives would carry-out their duties with absolute fidelity and good sense. Similarly, heirs and beneficiaries would never gripe about inheritance matters. Unfortunately, in the real world disputes arise when...
by mhess | Aug 5, 2011 | Uncategorized
We want to be members of your business team. For many businesses the most cost-effective way to gain access to strategic legal advice is to retain us as Outside General Counsel. As Outside General Counsel, we manage the legal aspects of businesses, answer legal...